Monday, March 31, 2008

Seven Deadly Norms

I’m reading Profit With Honor by Daniel Yankelovich – I wasn’t real excited about this read for the BHI book club, but it is turning out to be quite interesting in terms of business and cultural ethics. So far, he has discussed the deterioration of the ethical norms both in business and in our society as a whole. He postulates that we are in the early cycle of a downturn in trust in the business environment and in the past century, the downturn lasted 10 to 15 years. If he’s correct, we’re only 3 to 4 years into this cycle which means the next 11 to 12 years may prove quite interesting in terms of ethical issues. For thought, he speaks about he seven deadly norms that are causing most of the ethical confusion in the nation as of late:
1. Equating wrongdoing exclusively with illegality
2. Win at any cost
3. Gaming the system is good
4. Conflict of interest is for wimps
5. The CEO as royalty
6. Twisting the concept of shareholder value
7. Free-market economies require deregulation

More to follow on stewardship ethics as discussed in this book…

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