Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fence Hopping

Regardless of your views on illegal aliens/illegal border crossing, I would think that everyone could agree that there are negative impacts involved with the ease of crossing the border. We've had survey crews working along the Columbus, NM port of entry area directly across the border from Puerto Palomas, Mexico. There are issues with the drug trade here and I'm sure with any border crossing locations, the drug lord activity south of the border here is flowing over into the US side of the border. (See my post from several days ago about Kevlar vests).

This photo shows the U.S.A. / Mexico border, a nicely kept barbed wire fence. My guess is that someone frequently crossing the border, most likely involved with drug traffic, was spotted by Border Patrol and was quickly leaving jurisdiction by crossing back over into Mexico. Problem was that there was a mud puddle at this particular location and he lost his shoe in mid stride over the border. Dilemma: to cross back into America to get his shoe and risk being tied up in the bureaucracy of being deported or leave the shoe. Apparently the shoe lost out...

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