Monday, February 25, 2008

Caught in the act

For those not familiar, from the standpoint of environment, survey crews often have a difficult job. They can work long hours (whenever the sun is up – and sometimes when it’s not) and they work in any environmental conditions – both weather and locale. Maybe not to the US Postal Carriers level (Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds), but they certainly battle snow, rain and heat plus some other weather phenomenon. They also have to go where the projects are, whether it’s in the urban war zone, or in the middle of nowhere miles from the nearest road. The project may be near hazardous materials or hazardous land owners – which is worse? Who knows. They work tough hours in sometimes harsh conditions. That being said, it’s always nice to catch one of our crews in the act of working hard. Case in point, here’s an aerial photo (taken from several thousand feet) of one of our crew members controlling an aerial control panel (ATV is in the upper right). This project cut it close, the last panel being set as the flight began but he met his goal and got the job done…

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